Biblical Topics
Hebrew / Aramaic
What does the word "hallelujah" mean?What does hosanna mean?
What does the Hebrew word hesed mean?
What is the meant by the greeting "Maranatha!"?
What is the meaning of the Greek word charis in the Bible?What is the meaning of the Greek word dunamis in the Bible?
What is the meaning of agape love?
What is the meaning of phileo love?
What is the meaning of storge love?
What is a synagogue?
What does "anathema" mean? What is the definition of anathema?What does the Bible say about recompense?
What is a sojourner in the Bible?
What is mortification of the flesh or mortification of sin?
What is a covenant?What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
What is a bondservant? How are bondservants viewed in the Bible?
What is a plumb line in the Bible?
What is a laver in the Bible?
What is the significance of pomegranates in the Bible?
What is a maskil in the Book of Psalms?
What does it mean to be anointed?
Casting lots — What was that?
What is the biblical definition of a blessing? What is it to bless in the Bible?
What is a remnant in the Bible?
Are snakes evil? Does the Bible say anything about snakes?
What is the Bible talking about when it mentions a threshing floor?
A holy kiss — What is it?
What is 'the Law and the Prophets' mentioned in the New Testament?
Is the law of Christ different from the law of Moses? If so, what is the law of Christ?
What are the different types of love mentioned in the Bible?
What does it mean to be contrite? What is contrition?
What is the significance of a scarlet thread?
The Mosaic Law
What is hyssop? What was hyssop used for in the Bible?In what ways does the Bible refer to a double portion?
Is "come as you are" biblical?Why is the Golden Rule so important?
Is the statement "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" biblical?
Is the saying "idle hands are the Devil's workshop" biblical?
Is "Love the sinner, hate the sin" biblical?
What does "godspeed" mean? What is the definition of "godspeed" / "god speed"?
What do BC and AD (B.C. and A.D.) stand for?
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