The Truth about Life



What does it mean to exercise good biblical stewardship?

Does the Bible give advice on managing your finances?

What does the Bible say about Christians getting insurance?

Does the Bible say anything about saving for retirement?

Borrowing and Lending

Does the Bible say anything about going into monetary debt?

Does the Bible say anything about lending money?

What should a Christian who is in debt do?

Tithes and Offerings

Christian tithing — What does the Bible say?

When tithing a percentage of my income, should it all go to my home church or can I give some to a Christian ministry?

Should Christians tithe on miscellaneous income, such as inheritance, gifts, legal settlements, winnings, tax refunds, etc.?

When tithing a percentage of my income, should it be off the net or the gross?

Are tithes and offerings the same thing? Do Christians have to give tithes and offerings?

Should Christians today give a first fruits offering?


What does it mean to give alms? What does the Bible say about almsgiving?

What does it mean to be a cheerful giver?

Why is giving such a focus in the Christian faith?

What does the Bible say about giving to the poor?

Apart from basic necessities, are Christians supposed to give away all they own?

What does the Bible say about giving to charity?

How can I know who to donate to?

Rich and Poor

What does the Bible say about being poor?

Is it wrong for a Christian to want to be rich and famous?

What does the Bible say about Christians and wealth?


What is a Christian response to a bad economy?

How should a Christian respond to a financial crisis?

What is a Christian view of materialism?

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