what does the bible say?
In Arabic and Islamic literature and legend, jinn (singular jinni; also spelled djinni or genie) are believed to be spiritual beings. They are found in the Quran, but the concept of jinn has existed in Arabic culture prior to the formation of the Muslim faith. The technical definition of the Arabic word jinn is "to hide." The Encyclopedia Britannica says: "Belief in jinn was common in early Arabia, where they were thought to inspire poets and soothsayers. Even Muhammad originally feared that his revelations might be the work of jinn." According to traditional beliefs, these supernatural beings exist at a level below that of angels and demons but above that of humans. They are supposedly able to spiritually possess or inhabit inanimate objects, and they are able to choose to do good or evil. According to the Quran, jinn are subject to final judgment and will be sent to paradise or hell, depending on their earthly actions. Though there are similarities between jinn within Islam and demons within Christianity, they are not fully equivalent to each other. The Bible does not describe the beings known as jinn.