Is The Way of the Master approach to evangelism consistent with the Bible?

The short answer to this question is: Yes. Further explanation follows.

The Way of the Master (TWOTM) approach to evangelism uses the acronym WDJD (What Did Jesus Do) as a framework for its approach. The acronym is used to remind the evangelist of four questions:

Would you consider yourself a good person?

Do you think you have kept the Ten Commandments?

If you were judged by the Ten Commandments, would you be guilty or innocent?

Destiny: do you think you will go to heaven or hell based on that judgment?

The approach usually starts with the first question and then leads through some specific sins: lying, stealing, adultery (Jesus said that if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he is committing adultery [Matthew 5:27–28].), etc. to show that "good" though we may be, we are guilty of breaking the law. Since the person has broken God's law, he/she must pay for that sin. Since man cannot pay for his/her sin, Jesus did.

The Bible tells us in Romans 3:20 that "through the law comes knowledge of sin." Elsewhere in Scripture, Galatians 3:23–28 tells us that law leads us to Christ. TWOTM evangelism focuses on a portion of the law, albeit a very important portion, to bring the knowledge of a person's sin to that person and then lead that person to Christ. This is definitely in keeping with Scripture. The Holy Spirit often uses an awareness of one's own sinfulness to lead people to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. TWOTM evangelism builds that awareness of one's own sinfulness.

There are concerns that some people have expressed about the TWOTM, but they start with the acknowledgement that Scripture supports the method. TWOTM is not the only valid approach to evangelism, and it may not be appropriate in all circumstances, but it is a valid, biblical approach. There is no single Biblical approach to evangelism. Paul said (1 Corinthians 9:19–23) that he presented himself differently to different people in order that "by all means I might save some" (verse 22). We are told by Jesus to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19), but not that there is one right way to do so. TWOTM evangelism is one valid way to start the process of making disciples.

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