The short answer to the question of whether sex equals marriage is "no." Having sex does not make a couple married in God's eyes. Marriage is much more than just having one sex partner for the rest of your life; marriage is a total union of two persons physically, legally, and materially. Having sex with your significant other does not make you married because marriage is more than sex. Marriage is the legally binding promise to give yourself wholly to another for the rest of your life. Sex before marriage is damaging because it separates sex from this promise. God, knowing the beauty and intimacy of sex, protects us from hurting ourselves when He tells us to reserve sex for marriage.
Marriage is a lifelong commitment to love, honor, and cherish one another before God and others, and sex is a gift meant to be enjoyed within this covenant. When we engage in sex outside of marriage, we misuse this gift and risk binding ourselves emotionally, physically, and spiritually to someone without the foundation of commitment that marriage provides. This can lead to emotional wounds, broken trust, and spiritual disconnection. We should take seriously the weight of sex and live for God’s glory by enjoying sex within the context of marriage, where it strengthens our bond with our spouse and reflects God’s pure and faithful love for His people.
Sex without marriage, even in a committed relationship, holds on to the option of walking away when one's needs are not being met, and this is not the covenantal love of marriage. This is love that keeps oneself first, rather than one's significant other. God's desire is for us to enjoy all the love and support of intimate, committed relationships, and therefore, He has given us the best way we can experience this on earth through marriage.