Jesus Christ
The Ministry of Jesus
Life Events
What is an approximate timeline of Jesus' life?What is the importance of Jesus' baptism? Why was He baptized?
What were Jesus' desert temptations and what can we learn from them?
Why is the Transfiguration significant?
What were the key events in the life of Jesus?
Where did Jesus live?
Where was Jesus baptized?
Did Jesus go to India before starting His public ministry?
How many times did Jesus predict His death?
Why is the ascension of Jesus Christ important?
What were some of the miracles of Jesus?Why didn't Jesus want people to tell others of the miracles He performed?
Why did Jesus heal on the Sabbath?
What are the main points of Jesus' teaching?Why did Jesus use parables so often?
Was Jesus a rabbi?
What did Jesus mean when He said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments"?
What are some of the most famous sayings of Jesus?
Is Jesus in heaven? Where is Jesus now?Does Jesus still have a physical body?
In what way is Jesus our advocate?
Does Jesus pray for us?
What does it mean that Jesus is our Sabbath rest?
What does it mean that Jesus is the cornerstone?
What does the Bible say about Jesus as judge?
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