Who was Simon The Zealot in the Bible?

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Simon the Zealot was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples. The moniker "the Zealot" likely related to Simon's prior political affiliations but could have also referred to his overall demeanor. Whatever the case, we as believers are called to be zealous for the things of God.

from the old testament

  • Simon the Zealot is not mentioned in the Old Testament.

from the new testament

  • Very little is known about Simon the Zealot. His name is found four times in the New Testament listed along with the other twelve disciples of Jesus (Matthew 10:2–4; Mark 3:16–19; Luke 6:13–16; Acts 1:13). Some versions, such as the KJV, call him "Simon the Canaanite." In this instance the term "Canaanite" is being used as a political qualifier rather than a geographical marker. The term "Zealot" referred to a Jewish political faction that desired Israel's independence both spiritually and as a nation. In the early first century AD, the Zealots sought to overthrow Rome through force and believed that the coming Messiah would bring such a victory. It seems Simon was associated with this political faction prior to becoming a disciple of Jesus. If Simon was indeed affiliated with the Zealots, he would have been at opposite ends of the political spectrum from the majority of his fellow disciples and especially Matthew who collected taxes for the Romans.
  • The nickname “the Zealot” may have stuck simply as a way to distinguish Simon the Zealot from Simon Peter. It could also have meant he had great enthusiasm for the Jewish law or for Jesus' teachings.

implications for today

Regardless of his previous political affiliations or personality, Simon the Zealot chose to follow Jesus. As one of the people closest to Jesus he learned that Jesus came not to fight flesh and blood for a nation, but spiritual forces for souls. God the Father and Jesus are also identified as being zealous in the Bible, referring to their strong passion for protecting the spiritual integrity of Israel (e.g., Isaiah 9:7; 42:13; 59:14–20; John 2:17). The New Testament epistles also talk about believers in Christ being "zealous for good works" or "zealous for what is good" (Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 3:13; see also Romans 12:11; Revelation 3:19). Though Jesus had great zeal, turning over the vendors' tables in the temple was perhaps His only physically aggressive act. Jesus engaged those opposed to Him with words of truth fitly spoken. He did not fight back when they took Him to be crucified. Jesus did not concern Himself with matters of the state, but rather told the Pharisees, "Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21). He made it clear that salvation was available for everyone, healing and preaching to anyone willing to listen. In Luke 21:5–6, Jesus predicted that the temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed and that Gentiles would take over the Jewish capital. Jesus had not come to start a revolution; He came to die on the cross providing salvation for mankind. We are, likewise, called to be zealous for the things of the Lord: “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord” (Romans 12:11).


  • Very little is known about Simon the Zealot, whose name appears four times in the New Testament alongside the other twelve disciples.
  • The Zealots were a Jewish political faction seeking Israel's independence from Rome and would have clashed with other disciples’ ideologies such as that of Matthew.
  • The nickname "the Zealot" might have been used to differentiate him from Simon Peter or indicate his fervent enthusiasm for Jewish law or Jesus' teachings.


  • What do you learn about the transformation that God does to one’s heart and life by reflecting on Simon the Zealot?
  • How has God challenged your beliefs and values to align more closely with His character and teachings?
  • In what ways can you cultivate zeal for spiritual matters and the message of salvation amidst the distractions and demands of everyday life?


  • Regardless of the reason why Simon the Zealot was given that nickname, during his three years of ministry with Jesus, Simon the Zealot matured into an apostle empowered to spread the gospel in truth and love to all nations. Although there are various versions of his death, it is likely he served with zeal as a missionary in Persia and eventually died a martyr's death.
  • How do you think Simon's background as a Zealot might have influenced his interactions with Jesus and the other disciples?
  • Consider Simon's shift from political zeal to spiritual zeal. How can we balance our societal and political engagement with our spiritual priorities?