Who was James the apostle in the Bible?

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James the apostle was a fisherman who followed Jesus. James the apostle’s life encourages us to be a bold witness for Christ.

from the old testament

  • James the apostle is not mentioned in the Old Testament.

from the new testament

  • There were a few different men named James in Jesus's circle: James the half-brother of Jesus, who wrote the book of James and was an early church leader (Acts 15:13); James the son of Alphaeus, who was one of the twelve disciples (Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18; 15:40; Luke 6:15); and James the son of Zebedee, who was also one of the twelve. This article focuses on James the son of Zebedee.
  • Both James and his brother John were disciples of Jesus, and He called them to follow Him while they were in their boats mending fishing nets with their father (Matthew 4:21–22).
  • Jesus had a few disciples with whom He was closer than the rest—James, John, and Peter. These three men were mentioned on multiple occasions as the only witnesses to certain miracles that Jesus did, including raising Jairus's daughter from the dead (Mark 5). These same three were witnesses to Jesus's transfiguration on a mountain, where He had a conversation with Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:1–9). James, John, Peter, and Andrew were eager to understand Jesus's words (Mark 13:2–3), and He shared words with them pertaining to their own futures as well as to the end times (Mark 13:5–37).
  • Jesus called James and his brother John the "Sons of Thunder," implying that these two men may have been marked by strong, passionate personalities. They were bold enough to ask Jesus for a special favor: "And they said to him, 'Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory'" (Mark 10:37). Jesus could not do this for them; He did tell them they would suffer, just as He was going to (Mark 10:39). While the other disciples were upset by James and John making such a request, Jesus turned the situation into an opportunity to teach them about humility (Mark 10:41–45).
  • When James and John were upset about the Samaritans' refusal to embrace Jesus on His journey to Jerusalem, they asked Him, "Lord, do you want us to tell fire to come down from heaven and consume them?" This speaks to their fiery nature as the "Sons of Thunder." They were rebuked by Jesus. He came to save lives rather than destroy them (Luke 9:51–54).
  • After Jesus's resurrection, James was fishing with some of the disciples on the Sea of Galilee and then shared a meal on the shore with Jesus (John 21:1–11).
  • James was at the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). James was a strong, faithful witness for the risen Christ. He was persecuted and subsequently killed for his faith (Acts 12:2).

implications for today

Jesus sees and knows the depths of who we are, and He is patient to help transform us into His image. Jesus saw James as a "Son of Thunder" yet taught him to lean into his zealous nature by showing God's grace to others. James was a powerful witness until the end of his life even despite opposition. Just as James experienced persecution for being a bold witness, so are we promised that we will experience the same (2 Timothy 3:12). However, as we submit to the work of Christ in us, He makes us into strong, powerful believers, well-equipped for every work that He calls us to (2 Peter 1:3).


  • James was a fisherman who was called to become a disciple.
  • James, along with Peter and John, formed a close inner circle with Jesus.
  • James the apostle remained faithful to Jesus and was martyred for his faith.


  • How does James's transformation from a fisherman to a passionate, faithful disciple inspire you in your own journey of faith?
  • Which aspects of James's personality do you see reflected in yourself, and how might Jesus's teachings on humility and grace apply to you?
  • Reflecting on James's life, how can you become a bolder witness for Christ in your own community?


  • What do James's actions and responses reveal about the tension between human ambition and the values of the Kingdom of God, and how can we navigate similar tensions in our own lives?
  • How did James's experiences, such as witnessing miracles and Jesus's transfiguration, shape his understanding of who Jesus was, and how might this relate to our own understanding of Christ?
  • Considering James's martyrdom, what lessons can we learn about the challenges and rewards of following Jesus, especially in the face of persecution?