What is a Christian view of prescription drugs?

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Prescription drugs properly used can bring healing to maladies from strep throat to more serious illnesses. A Christian can view prescription drugs as helpful while recognizing that God is the one who provides the healing.

from the old testament

  • Alcohol is mentioned in Proverbs 31:6–7 in relationship to treating those who were dying to help relieve their suffering. Alcohol as an analgesic seems to be condoned by the Bible.

from the new testament

  • One of the writers of a Gospel is a physician—Luke (Colossians 4:14). Luke also wrote Acts. Though he did not write prescriptions in the way modern doctors do, he presumably would have used the medicines and treatments available at the time.
  • Paul (though not a physician), instructed his protégé, Timothy, to use a bit of wine to settle his stomach (1 Timothy 5:23). This was in keeping with the practice of the times of using alcohol to deaden pain and ease suffering.
  • As Christians, we should ensure that we do not abuse any medication (1 Corinthians 6:12).

implications for today

Ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) as you determine how to approach prescribed drugs. Remember that a Christian's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19–20) and should be treated with care and respect. We can rely upon God as the ultimate Healer, and yet seek the wisdom and intellect of physicians and researchers God has gifted. Whether using prescription drugs or seeing doctors, God should get the glory for all healing, health, and wellness.


  • Prescription drugs are seen as beneficial for treating health issues, supported by biblical examples that endorse the use of remedies to alleviate suffering.
  • While medications can aid in recovery, ultimate healing comes from God.
  • Christians should use prescription drugs responsibly, seeking medical advice and avoiding abuse.


  • How do you view the relationship between your faith and the use of prescription drugs for health needs?
  • How do you acknowledge God's role in your healing journey when you rely on medication?
  • How can you have a healthy view of medicine while trusting in God’s ultimate sovereignty?


  • Why are such differing perspectives in the view of prescription drugs, and how can we take a biblical approach?
  • What biblical principles can guide us in making informed decisions about using prescription medications?
  • How can our understanding of the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit influence our approach to healthcare and medication?