Although the Bible does not specifically mention organ donation, there is nothing in the Bible that would prohibit a Christian from donating an organ or accepting an organ transplant. Donating organs aligns with the principles of love and sacrifice demonstrated by Christ. Concerns about bodily resurrection can be alleviated by understanding that God will provide glorified bodies, regardless of the state of the physical body at death. Ethical considerations are crucial, particularly regarding the prevention of organ trafficking and ensuring respectful procurement methods. Overall, organ donation is seen as a compassionate act that reflects Christ's love for others.
At the gut level, some people are hesitant to donate organs at death because of the resurrection. This view probably has its roots in the days of the early church. The first Christians showed their belief in the resurrection by burying their dead instead of cremating them like the pagans. The practice grew into the conviction that if a body is not whole, the dead cannot ascend to heaven in the rapture. This fear is based on a wrong view of the bodily resurrection. We will be given a new, glorified body, made by God. He does not need the original atoms arranged in a particular way in order to resurrect us and give us a new body. The Jews in the Bible would understand this; even those who believed in the resurrection buried the body until the flesh was decomposed. The bones were then re-buried in a permanent grave with no thought to the destroyed flesh.
The Bible does have a couple of potential conflicts with the procurement of organs for donation. The first is in regards to organs developed through therapeutic cloning. This is a form of stem cell research in which a clone is manufactured for the purpose of medical research or therapy. We do not know the exact moment in which life begins and God gives a soul to a person. Because of this, it is potentially murder to create a clone merely for the purpose of directing its cells to create a donor organ.
Another is organs harvested and sold through human trafficking. The urban legend of the man who woke in a bathtub of ice with no kidneys is just a precautionary tale. But there are people today—migrants, the homeless, and others—who are tricked or forced to donate their organs. Some are deceived, some intended to donate organs but were not paid properly. Trafficking in body parts is not common, but it is a tantalizing temptation when faced with a real need and a long waiting list such as for transplants.