What does the Bible say about birth control?

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Apart from one narrative, the Bible does not specifically discuss birth control. Children are seen as a gift from the Lord, and a couple needs wisdom to determine what sort of family planning they should consider.

from the old testament

  • The only mention of birth control in the Bible is in Genesis 38:9–10. Judah's son Onan was obligated to father a child by his late brother's widow, both to provide an heir for his brother and to provide for Tamar. Instead, knowing a son would threaten his own inheritance, he withdrew from Tamar before ejaculation. God struck him dead—not for using birth control but for his selfish motives.
  • Fertility and children are seen as blessings in the Bible. Psalm 127:3–5 says, "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate."
  • Culturally, infertility was considered at least shameful, if not a curse (Isaiah 49:21).
  • The greatest blessing a barren woman could receive was to have a child (1 Samuel 2:5).

from the new testament

  • The only time infertility is seen in a positive light is in Matthew 24:15–21 when Jesus describes the hardships pregnant and nursing women would have during the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army in AD 70.

implications for today

The Bible does not categorically condemn birth control. It is best to use wisdom and seek guidance in all things, including when we should have children. There are a few things to consider, however:

Birth control is not permission to be sexually promiscuous. First Corinthians 7:2 is clear: sex before marriage is wrong, even if there is a lessened chance that sex will lead to a child.

Hormonal birth control may cause abortions. There are different types of hormonal birth control with different functionality. Some hormonal birth control discourages the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus. If life begins at conception, this is abortion. Any decisions about use of hormonal birth control need to be made with full understanding of the way it is intended to work and serious consideration of the moral implications. Prescription birth control should include a product insert with more information. The prescribing medical professional and/or pharmacist should also know how the product works and be able to educate you on it.

Hormonal birth control can cause other physical issues. Weight gain, mood changes, and problems with memory are all common side effects. In addition, many kinds of birth control can lead to future problems with fertility. Serious consideration of the way oral or implanted hormonal birth control can affect a woman’s body is needed. Prescription birth control should include a product insert with more information for your examination. Medical professionals should also be able to help. (For more, see the Blogos article.)

The "morning after pill" is not a viable option for a believer. It is designed to cause spontaneous abortion.

In God's design, the norm is for married couples to have children. Parenthood is not the absolute standard for all couples, just as marriage is not the absolute standard for all individuals. But in general God wants the human race to bear children in the context of marital relationships.

Despite the issues, birth control—whether that be through something like a condom or through hormonal birth control—can be fine for Christians in certain circumstances. Some health problems are mitigated by use of hormonal birth control. A couple may feel led to delay parenthood in order to concentrate on their present ministry and thus attempt to prevent pregnancy. If a couple is absolutely unable to provide for a child, it would seem acceptable to try to prevent pregnancy.

It is very common among certain Christian circles to insist that God will provide the number of children He desires a couple to have. Affiliated with that belief is the conviction that natural family planning should be the only birth control used. Natural family planning is a great method. But Romans 14:4 reminds us, "Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand." The Bible specifically tells us not to judge what the Bible does not condemn. It is fine to have our own Spirit-led convictions, but we should not impose those on others. Whichever choice we make, it should be with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for the glory of the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:31).


  • The Bible does not explicitly condemn birth control but calls for wisdom and guidance in decisions about family planning.
  • God struck Onan dead for selfish motives, not for using birth control.
  • Children are seen as a blessing from the Lord.


  • How can we ensure that our decisions about family planning align with God’s will and are not motivated by selfish desires?
  • How can we view children as a blessing from God, regardless of our current circumstances?
  • How does your attitude toward family planning honor God’s design for family and relationships?


  • What are the implications of using different types of birth control, considering the Bible’s teachings on the value of life and God’s call for us to be fruitful and multiply?
  • How should Christians approach the topic of family planning in a way that respects both individual convictions and biblical principles?
  • What lessons can be learned from the story of Onan in Genesis 38 about the motives behind our choices, and how do these apply to the modern context of birth control?