what does the bible say?
Vestigial organs are body parts that aren’t connected to some specific purpose. According to some views of biology, these are a vestige, or leftover, from an earlier version of the animal within the process of evolution. For people, vestigial organs and parts include the appendix, the tailbone, and nipples on males.
Those who support long-term evolution say these parts are useless, inefficient, or stunted and would not have existed if humans were created in their present form. They may also claim these are evidence of flaws which an intelligent designer would not choose. Over time, however, many vestigial organs have been connected to important biological needs. The appendix may be used to replenish gut bacteria. The tailbone is a mutual connection point for multiple core muscle systems. Male nipples may exist for efficiency, much as car dashboards often have spaces for buttons which only certain models put into use.
The Bible clearly emphasizes God's intentionality in creating the human body, portraying it as a deliberate and purposeful act. Psalm 139:13-14 further highlights God's intricate design, depicting Him as carefully knitting us together in the womb, affirming that each person is "fearfully and wonderfully made." Additionally, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 teaches that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, signifying their importance and the divine purpose behind their creation for God's glory. Although vestigial organs might appear to be without purpose, God specifically and intentionally designed every part of our bodies.