In Genesis 2:16–17 God pronounces that if Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in that very day Adam would die. To that point in history, nothing had ever died. After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6) they were guilty and were filled with shame, and they were afraid (Genesis 3:7–10). The death that had been promised took place on that day. The innocence they had before was now gone, and guilt was in its place. They had violated God's holiness, and they were now separated from God—they no longer had the relationship they had before. Ephesians 2:1 describes this as being dead in trespasses and sins. Even though Adam and Eve still were physically alive, the most important aspect of life that they previously had was now dead. They were separated from God, spiritually dead.
In Genesis 3:14–19 God pronounces further judgment on the serpent, on Eve, and on Adam. The power of the serpent was greatly limited and would one day be totally destroyed (Genesis 3:14–15). For Eve and women following Eve, the pain of childbirth would be greatly increased (Genesis 3:16). Also the relationship between husband and wife would be strained (Genesis 3:16). In Genesis 3:17 God explains that because of Adam's sin the ground would be cursed, and the labor of managing it would become difficult. The ground would fight back, growing things that wouldn't be helpful, and humanity would have to work hard for food (Genesis 3:18).
In Genesis 3:19 God tells Adam, "For you are dust, and to dust you shall return." In short, humans would physically die. Recall that the creation of Adam occurred in two steps. God first formed him out of the dust of the land (Genesis 2:7a), then God breathed into Adam the breath of life, and at that point Adam came to life (Genesis 2:7b). In this physical death, the spirit of Adam would separate from his body, and his body would go back to the dust from whence it was formed. Adam had been formed from the ground, and his body would return to the ground in physical death and decomposition.
Because of Adam's sin all are under the curse of death, both spiritually and physically (Romans 5:8–12). But because of the grace of God, Jesus the Christ—our Savior—has conquered sin and death, crushing the head of the serpent (as promised in Genesis 3:15). He has provided for all who believe in Him to have new life, to be a new creature, to be born again—never to experience spiritual death again. By God's grace, all who put their faith in Jesus—trusting He is who He says He is, that He lived a perfect life, died as payment for our sins, and rose back to life to affirm His work—are given this new, eternal life in Him.
While we still have to deal with the brokenness of a fallen world, including physical death, we know that if we have believed in Jesus we have eternal life (John 6:47). That new, eternal life begins even in this lifetime. Though we will still die physically, true life in Christ does not end. In fact, though our physical bodies will return to dust, they will be resurrected, and the glory of our resurrected bodies will match the glory of our spirits which have been made alive through Jesus Christ, and we will be with Him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:13–17).
"To dust you shall return" is a reality for all people, but it is not the end of the story. How encouraging to face death knowing that death won't hold us and that our Lord has redeemed us from death and we will live with Him forever (1 Corinthians 15:50–58)!
In Genesis 3:14–19 God pronounces further judgment on the serpent, on Eve, and on Adam. The power of the serpent was greatly limited and would one day be totally destroyed (Genesis 3:14–15). For Eve and women following Eve, the pain of childbirth would be greatly increased (Genesis 3:16). Also the relationship between husband and wife would be strained (Genesis 3:16). In Genesis 3:17 God explains that because of Adam's sin the ground would be cursed, and the labor of managing it would become difficult. The ground would fight back, growing things that wouldn't be helpful, and humanity would have to work hard for food (Genesis 3:18).
In Genesis 3:19 God tells Adam, "For you are dust, and to dust you shall return." In short, humans would physically die. Recall that the creation of Adam occurred in two steps. God first formed him out of the dust of the land (Genesis 2:7a), then God breathed into Adam the breath of life, and at that point Adam came to life (Genesis 2:7b). In this physical death, the spirit of Adam would separate from his body, and his body would go back to the dust from whence it was formed. Adam had been formed from the ground, and his body would return to the ground in physical death and decomposition.
Because of Adam's sin all are under the curse of death, both spiritually and physically (Romans 5:8–12). But because of the grace of God, Jesus the Christ—our Savior—has conquered sin and death, crushing the head of the serpent (as promised in Genesis 3:15). He has provided for all who believe in Him to have new life, to be a new creature, to be born again—never to experience spiritual death again. By God's grace, all who put their faith in Jesus—trusting He is who He says He is, that He lived a perfect life, died as payment for our sins, and rose back to life to affirm His work—are given this new, eternal life in Him.
While we still have to deal with the brokenness of a fallen world, including physical death, we know that if we have believed in Jesus we have eternal life (John 6:47). That new, eternal life begins even in this lifetime. Though we will still die physically, true life in Christ does not end. In fact, though our physical bodies will return to dust, they will be resurrected, and the glory of our resurrected bodies will match the glory of our spirits which have been made alive through Jesus Christ, and we will be with Him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:13–17).
"To dust you shall return" is a reality for all people, but it is not the end of the story. How encouraging to face death knowing that death won't hold us and that our Lord has redeemed us from death and we will live with Him forever (1 Corinthians 15:50–58)!