The Bible does not teach a flat Earth. Its language and literary style do not support a literal, flat interpretation of the earth’s shape. Flat earth advocates point to Psalm 75:3 ("pillars of earth") and Revelation 7:1 ("four corners of the earth"). However, Psalm 75 is poetic and not meant to be taken literally. Likewise, the "four corners" in Revelation 7:1 is an idiomatic figure of speech for directions on a compass, again not to be taken literally. Other passages that supposedly teach a flat earth are Deuteronomy 13:7; Job 28:24; Psalm 48:10; and Proverbs 30:4; all of which reference the “ends” of the earth. However, when biblical writers speak of the “ends of the earth” (28 times in the KJV), they are simply referring to “the farthest reaches of the inhabited world.” There is no basis for the charge that the Bible teaches a flat earth.
Astronauts in space took pictures of the earth while they were in orbit. You can plainly see the curvature of the earth in these. Believing that earth is flat requires not only a worldwide conspiracy to fake decades of space exploration, but also the wholesale denial of many branches of science, such as the evidence of gravity. It requires invention of new forces and laws of nature without evidence. Christians who promote or believe in flat earth theories show a lack of basic biblical and scientific literacy. Instead, Christians should focus on understanding the Bible’s teachings within their proper context and genre, rather than imposing modern scientific concepts or literal interpretations on selected biblical passages.
In contrast to the supposed "flat earth" verses, there are numerous Scriptures which show surprising consistency with what we already know about the earth from the field of astronomy. For instance, the earth is described in Job 26:7 as being suspended over empty space, just as science has shown is the case. In a similar vein, Isaiah 40:21–22 and Proverbs 8:27 both seem to refer to the earth as "circular," an observation which follows quite naturally if the earth has a spherical shape. The Bible is clearly quite far from affirming a naïve or unscientific understanding of the earth and the solar system.