What is a proper perspective on demonic deliverance in the Christian life?

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Demonic activity is possible in the Christian life, although possession is not possible. Not every struggle is demonic, but by focusing on Christ and using His armor, we can overcome and find victory.

from the old testament

  • When Satan was cast out of heaven for rebelling against God, other angels also rebelled, and they became his demons (Isaiah 14:12–15; Ezekiel 28:12–15).

from the new testament

  • Demons exist, and they affect people by interfering in their lives (Mark 1:26; Acts 8:7).
  • Revelation 12:4–9 confirms that demons are fallen angels who were cast out of heaven for their rebellion.
  • Satan is described as a lion prowling around seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8; see also John 10:10). Satan is not equal to God in any way. He does not have the same power as God and is not omnipresent.
  • Demons also roam around on Satan's behalf, seeking somewhere to inhabit (Matthew 12:43–45).
  • Jesus delivered many people from demons throughout His ministry on earth, and after His ascent to heaven the early church continued ministering deliverance to people and addressing the topic of spiritual warfare (Acts 5:3; 8:7; Ephesians 6:10–18; 2 Corinthians 10:3–5).
  • Even though we belong to Christ, we can be demonically influenced, which can cause us to be spiritually fruitless, living a life vacant of the joy and victory that Christ provides. Demonic oppression becomes possible when influences other than Christ are allowed to inhabit our minds, attitudes, and actions. This happened in Matthew 16:21–23 when Peter, Jesus' disciple, was used as a mouthpiece of Satan when he tried to convince Jesus not to go to the cross.
  • The best example within the Bible for how to confront demonic influence is that of Jesus being tempted by Satan in the wilderness (Luke 4:1–13). Every time Satan came against Jesus He replied with: "It is written…" Jesus counteracted Satan's advances and defeated them with the Word of God. We, too, defeat the power of Satan with the Word of God, which is "the sword of the Spirit" (Ephesians 6:17).

implications for today

We cannot and should not assume that every struggle we face is the direct result of demons. It can be tempting to attribute our own failures and shortcomings to the work of Satan, but this is not a valid claim. Many times, the sins and negative circumstances we deal with are a result of our struggles to continually put our sinful natures to death and submit to God: "But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire" (James 1:14). We are also not immune to the negative effects of the sins of others and the natural results of the fallen world. Unforgiveness (2 Corinthians 2:10–11), anger (Ephesians 4:26–27), and being untruthful (Acts 5:3) also give Satan an open door into our lives.

We have to daily crucify our flesh so that we may live in Christ, operating by and in the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 2:20). Ephesians 6:10–18 teaches us how to put on God's spiritual armor so that we are prepared to withstand the enemy's attacks. When we are in Christ, He is greater in us than any other power: "Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4).

As Christians we are fighting a spiritual battle. We need to remain aware of this fact and stay perceptive and discerning of the spiritual world that is all around us. However, we should not be fixated on demonic reality, but rather, we need to fix our gaze on the reality of Christ and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Jesus is "the founder and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). When we keep our focus on Him, we find spiritual victory!


  • While Christians cannot be possessed by demons, they can experience demonic influence that affects their spiritual fruitfulness and joy.
  • Many challenges arise from personal choices, the influence of others, or the fallen world, rather than direct demonic activity.
  • By using spiritual armor and grounding ourselves in the Word of God, we can overcome demonic influences and find true victory.


  • How can you discern between struggles that are the result of personal choices and those that may involve demonic influence?
  • How can you strengthen your focus on Christ to combat feelings of defeat or oppression?
  • What practical steps can you take to put on the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 to prepare for spiritual battles?


  • The Greek word daimonizomai is often translated as "demon-possessed," but in reality, it merely means "demonized." Anyone, even a Christian, can be under the influence of a demon even if not be possessed by it. The Devil has no authority to possess our souls when we are in Christ (John 10:28–29).
  • What are the potential dangers of being overly fixated on demonic activity in our spiritual lives?
  • How does Scripture and prayer guide us in addressing and overcoming demonic influences without attributing every challenge to them?