Nothing in Scripture addresses bodybuilding or weightlifting specifically. First Corinthians 6:20 tells us to "glorify God in your body." Seeking to stay healthy and keep in reasonably good shape can be part of this, and bodybuilding or weightlifting may play a role in doing so. However, when we elevate our physical training above the strengthening of our relationship with God, we are out of balance. Anything that we focus on in place of God, we idolize (1 John 5:21). Like other hobbies and endeavors, bodybuilding and weightlifting can become addictive and/or become the focus of our own identity. However, bodybuilding and weightlifting can be glorifying to God (1 Corinthians 10:31) if we are seeking to stay strong and healthy as we take care of our bodies.
Bodybuilding and weightlifting can be valuable pursuits that promote physical health and discipline, but as Christians, we need to approach these activities with the right motives. We must ask ourselves if our focus on building strength is glorifying God or if it has become an idol in our lives. First Corinthians 6:19–20 reminds us that our bodies are temples meant to honor God, so we should prioritize our relationship with Him over physical appearance or accolades. While physical training has some value (1 Timothy 4:8), it is essential to balance our fitness goals with spiritual growth. We should strive for an identity rooted in Christ, ensuring that our dedication to bodybuilding or weightlifting enhances our well-being without overshadowing our commitment to God. By seeking His guidance in our pursuits, we can glorify Him through every lift and every workout, making sure our hearts align with His purposes.