Aaron was Moses’ older brother who served as Moses’ spokesperson to both Pharaoh and the Israelites. At times Aaron faithfully obeyed God, and at other times he sinned and suffered the consequences (Exodus 32:35; Numbers 20:24). God established Aaron as the high priest, and from his lineage came the Levitical priesthood. Neither Moses nor Aaron were permitted to enter the Promised Land as a result of their sin at Meribah (Numbers 20:2–13), yet God did not take away Aaron's priesthood. Aaron sinned, as do all humans, but Aaron also repented. Aaron’s life is an example of living out God’s purposes for us. His life also reveals God’s holiness and grace.
Aaron demonstrates what it looks like to follow God as an imperfect human: he obeyed sometimes, he disobeyed sometimes, but he always repented and sought to follow what the Lord commanded him. In his sin, Aaron brought destruction upon himself and caused others to stumble. Aaron's sin highlights for us the holiness of God and our need for lasting atonement. However, in his obedience Aaron led others towards freedom, turning their hearts to repentance as he was a faithful witness to God. In Aaron's life we understand that we will never be holy apart from God. We see how prone humans are to fall, even when we've witnessed God in mighty ways. We also see how faithful God is to restore. Aaron repented and matured. He was vital to the exodus of the Israelites and the leadership of the people. Ultimately Aaron fulfilled the roles God gave him. Aaron's life exemplifies to us God's holiness and His grace.