A prophetess is a female prophet. The role and responsibility of prophets and prophetesses is to speak forth the word of God. The Greek origin of the English term prophet, prophetes, reveals this meaning: pro means "forth or before," and phetes means "to say or to speak." Thus, prophets and prophetesses are to say whatever message God has given them before the person or people for whom the message is intended. Prophets and prophetesses sometimes foretold future events, but most often they forthtold, proclaiming God’s truth, warning people of judgment, and calling them to repentance. Throughout history, God has used His Spirit to relay messages to female prophetesses, who were responsible to speak forth His Word to the people.
From looking at the prophetesses in the Bible, we can learn the importance of faithfully communicating God's truth. Just as prophetesses like Miriam, Deborah, and Anna spoke forth God's Word, we, too, are called to share the truth of who He is and how He calls us to live. This can be done through teaching, encouraging, or even warning others, much like the various roles prophetesses played. By embracing this responsibility, we honor the legacy of these women and ensure that God's message continues to reach those who need it. In our daily lives, this means being attentive to God's guidance, knowing His Word, and being courageous in our communication. We can be consistent in sharing His love and wisdom with those around us, knowing that the Spirit can speak through anyone, regardless of gender, age, or status.