How long were Noah and his family on the ark?

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Noah and his family were on the ark for over a year. The prolonged time on the ark challenges us to trust in God and to faithfully pursue Him as we wait, trusting in His perfect timing and provision.

from the old testament

  • Noah and his family entered the ark in the second month, tenth day of his 600th year (Genesis 7:4–11).
  • Seven days later, the flood's rains began (Genesis 7:11).
  • The waters flooded the earth for 150 days, including the 40 days of rain (Genesis 7:12, 17, 24; 8:1).
  • The waters subsided, and the ark rested on Mount Ararat in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day, just 10 days after the flooding stopped (Genesis 8:3–4).
  • Noah exited in the second month, 27th day of his 601st year (Genesis 8:14–19). In total, the flood lasted 370 days.

from the new testament

  • The amount of time Noah and his family were on the ark is not recorded in the New Testament.

implications for today

The length of time Noah and his family were on the ark provides us with an example, revealing the importance of trusting in the Lord and His timing. Noah and his family remained in the ark for over a year, navigating through a period of uncertainty and challenge yet trusting in the Lord. This extended timeline, from the entry into the ark to their eventual exit, highlights a crucial lesson for today: faith in God requires patience and confidence in His perfect timing. The process of waiting for the floodwaters to recede and the ark to come to rest on Mount Ararat is a strong reminder that God's plans are often unfolding in ways beyond our immediate understanding and certainly not in our timing. However, this does not mean that He is not at work. It teaches us to trust in God’s sovereignty and provision, even when the journey seems longer than anticipated. Just as Noah's endurance was rewarded with a new beginning, we are called to trust that God's timing is always right and that He is working all things for our good (Romans 8:28), even when we are in a season of waiting.


  • Noah and his family were on the ark for a total of 370 days, from the second month, tenth day of Noah's 600th year until the second month, 27th day of his 601st year.
  • The floodwaters covered the earth for 150 days, including 40 days of rain, before the ark rested on Mount Ararat.
  • The amount of time Noah and his family were on the ark reveals the importance of patience and trust in God’s timing.


  • How do you personally cope with long periods of waiting or uncertainty?
  • How can you practically trust in God’s timing, despite delays?
  • What actions can you take to build patience and trust in God's timing in your life?


  • What challenges do people face during long waits, and how can Noah and his family’s experience guide us in our times of waiting?
  • How does knowing the length of Noah’s time on the ark affect our understanding of God’s timing and purposes?
  • What are some practical ways to encourage each other to stay faithful while waiting for God’s timing?