The definition of Darwinism – What is it?

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Darwinism states that species adapt their biology solely in response to their environment, but Scripture states that God controls the design of His creatures.

from the old testament

  • God made every living creature distinct after its own kind over the course of two days (Genesis 1:20-25).
  • God brought two of every animal to Noah according to their kind (Genesis 6:20).

from the new testament

  • Paul said that all creatures are unique and distinct from each other (1 Corinthains 15:39).

implications for today

Darwinism, as commonly understood today, suggests that natural selection and random mutations drive the progression and diversification of species over time. This theory implies that nature, rather than a divine being, determines which organisms survive and evolve. In contrast, the Bible clearly states that God intentionally created distinct and unique creatures, each after its own kind as outlined in Genesis. Paul reaffirms this in the New Testament, emphasizing the uniqueness of all creatures. This scriptural perspective places God at the center of creation, with purposeful design and intentionality. What hope that gives us! Embracing Darwinism would mean accepting a worldview that excludes God's direct role in creation, which conflicts with the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith. Instead, we can stand firm that God's hand is behind the creation and diversity of life.


  • Darwinism is the theory that species adapt and evolve over time through purposeless natural selection. Darwinism encompasses both microevolution and macroevolution.
  • The Bible states that God intentionally created, according to His design.
  • Darwinism focuses on the progression and diversification of life, not its initial origin.


  • How do I respond to the theory of natural selection with belief in a purposeful divine creation as described in the Bible?
  • In what ways do my beliefs about the origin and development of life impact my understanding of God's role in the natural world?
  • How can I strengthen my understanding of both scientific theories and scriptural teachings to develop a true perspective on the origins and development of life?


  • Historians have used the term Darwinism to identify Darwin's theory as opposed to other evolutionary theories in existence around the same time. Today, scientists use the term Darwinism to make the distinction between Darwin's theories and modern evolutionary ideas (termed "neo-Darwinism" by some).
  • Some creationists use the term Darwinism incorrectly when they talk about atheistic evolution, which includes cosmic evolution, the Big Bang theory, the origin or life, and such. Technically speaking, Darwinism discusses the progression and diversification of life on earth, not its origin.
  • The concepts of Darwinism have also been applied to other parts of society, such as Social Darwinism—the struggle for dominance in society.