Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, launching his theory of natural selection in biological evolution. The following year, Thomas Henry Huxley coined the term Darwinism to identify the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin later theorized that nature made the decision about what organisms progressed, not man nor God, as he explained in The Decent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871). However, Scripture clearly indicates that God made unique creatures in the sky, in the water, and on the land that were distinct from each other (Genesis 1:20-25). Later, Paul explains this same concept when referring to God’s magnificent creation of mankind.
Darwinism, as commonly understood today, suggests that natural selection and random mutations drive the progression and diversification of species over time. This theory implies that nature, rather than a divine being, determines which organisms survive and evolve. In contrast, the Bible clearly states that God intentionally created distinct and unique creatures, each after its own kind as outlined in Genesis. Paul reaffirms this in the New Testament, emphasizing the uniqueness of all creatures. This scriptural perspective places God at the center of creation, with purposeful design and intentionality. What hope that gives us! Embracing Darwinism would mean accepting a worldview that excludes God's direct role in creation, which conflicts with the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith. Instead, we can stand firm that God's hand is behind the creation and diversity of life.